Hillegonda Hoogvliet

De Wilgen


About Me

Hillegonda Hoogvliet is a professional hat designer since 1994. She got her millinery education from Harry Scheltens in Amsterdam who was the hatter of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands for almost 30 years. Her designs are trendy, stylish and mathematically as also full of fantasy and romance. Both in France and Italy she won several designer awards.

During Hillegonda’s courses you are introduced to the traditional millinery techniques and terminology. An interesting and good foundation to make yourself some beautiful hats in six lessons. Using original wooden blocks (as made by Guy Morse- Brown) or hand formed over a wooden headblock. The workshops in small groups are lovely hours conducted by the expert Hillegonda Hoogvliet, in which your creativity and skills will be stimulated in a pleasurable way. With sufficient participants there will also be workshops planned in making fascinators and cocktail hat pieces.


Our Supporters

Visit our partner websites to find high quality tools for hat making and online resources to take your learning journey even further.

Guy Morse-Brown Hat Blocks

Hand-crafted Wooden
Hat Blocks

Guy Morse-Brown Hat Blocks

Hand-crafted Wooden
Hat Blocks

HATalk e-Magazine

Unlimited Access to Monthly e-Magazine, Hat Making Projects and More

HATalk e-Magazine

Unlimited Access to Monthly e-Magazine, Hat Making Projects and More